"Come forward, then, and give us the aid of your talents and the weight of your character towards the new establishment of republicanism." --Thomas Jefferson to Robert Livingston, 1800.
Warning: Today’s blog is mostly based on my opinion, observations and perception of what I see going on in Washington, the government and the media. The things I see could cause me to lose faith and hope in our great country but I refuse to give in to those feelings. Instead, I am recommitting myself to spreading the word, partnering with others who also refuse to give in and making a passionate call to American citizens across our country to step forward. It is time to get involved and make a difference.
Webster offers a couple of variations on the definition of a “politician” but the one that seems most fitting these days is “one who seeks partisan or personal gain often by crafty or dishonest means.”
In recent years it seems we have had a difficult time attracting anyone other than “politicians” to take leadership roles in our government, real leaders want less and less to do with elected office. This is most likely due to the harsh light cast on those in public life. The level of personal scrutiny that an individual must endure to embark on the path to public service is enough to scare off most sane people.
Successful, intelligent and ethical individuals who have lived a “normal” life and made common mistakes shy away from throwing their hat in the ring. The personal sacrifices that they and their families must make are often too steep a price to pay for the privilege of serving ones’ country, state or community.
Ironically, character is often what is most lacking in today’s political leaders. Yet the very mistakes, trials and tribulations that become the subject of scrutiny are often the life changing experiences that build character and moral fiber.
And of course, there are the games, compromises and the abandonment of values that seems to be a requirement of “getting anything done.”
Today’s politicians have become largely a collection of “actors’ playing the part of leaders. They have self serving agendas that are equally split between their personal goals and repaying debts to those who supported their candidacy. Most are career politicians who have made a job out of “public service”.
How do we change this trend? How do we get real leaders and statesmen to get involved in government again? Let’s start electing real people with character, ethics, morals and flaws, who were forged in the real world under fire.
We need:
- principled men and women who are willing to represent the values of their constituents and do what’s best for their country, their state or community
- true leaders that will not mortgage our future for short term victories or sell their values to the highest bidder in exchange for support on an item they want
- leaders who have common sense, love their country and believe in the American dream
I’ll close the same way I opened with the wisdom of Thomas Jefferson:
“Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on offices, rottenness begins in his conduct.” – Thomas Jefferson
"Public offices were not made for private convenience." -Thomas Jefferson
“I have the consolation of having added nothing to my private fortune during my public service, and of retiring with hands clean as they are empty.” – Thomas Jefferson
“We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.” – Thomas Jefferson
Calling all Leaders, Statesmen and Patriots.................
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